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Showing posts from April, 2022


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 30th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 30th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 30th of April WELCOME! SAINT ERKONWALD, BISHOP OF LONDON, CONFESSOR   Saint Erkonwald was a prince of the royal blood, son of Annas, the holy king of the East-Angles, or, as some say, of a certain prince named Offa.  HE FORSOOK HIS OWN COUNTRY The better to disengage himself from the ties and incumbrances of the world, he forsook his own country, and retired into the kingdom of the East-Saxons, where he employed his large estate in founding two great monasteries, one at Chertsey, in Surrey, near the Thames, the other for nuns, at Barking in Essex; of this latter he appointed his sister Edilburga abbess. The former he governed with great sanctity, till he was forced out of his dear solitude by King Sebba, in 675, and consecrated bishop of London by St Theodorus.  HE MUCH AUGMENTED THE BUILDINGS OF ST PAUL'S He much augmented the buildings and revenues of St Paul’s, and obtained for that church great privileges ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 29th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


POPE ST PIUS V’S STRICTLY "VEGAN" LIFESTYLE   ⬅️ Saintly Popes - Index Saint Pius  was a man of sterling quality: he was a person who was serious, methodical and very rigorous. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church understood this immediately, when the newly elected Pope brusquely refused the proposal of organising a party for his rise to the Papal throne. THE FOOD OF THE DOMINICAN MONKS THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES Also his food was very simple: at the Pontifical Court, the food which the new Pope wanted to be put on the table, day after day, was connected to his being part of the Dominican Order, which adopted a strict and prohibitive diet: no meat, no dairy products, no eggs, and this was for three hundred and sixty five days of the year! REFUSING TO BE DOMINATED BY THE HUMAN PALATE He himself was reluctant to eat all those foods which were too agreeable or elaborate. One of his favourite dishes was bread cooked with olive oil. This was made of stale bread, garlic, oil, salt ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 29th of April WELCOME! ST FIACHNA, CONFESSOR ⬅️ Litany of the Irish Saints Saint Fiachna was a native of Desies, in Munster [Ireland], a monk of Lismore, and disciple of St Carthagh the Younger, in 630. By the most perfect spirit of obedience he laid the foundation of a most sublime gift of prayer and all virtue. He is titular saint of the parish of Kill-Fiachna, in the diocese of Ardfert.  PRAYER: O God, who gladden us with the annual feast of blessed Fiachna, mercifully grant that, while honouring the anniversary of his death, we may also imitate his deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 29th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 29th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  WELCOME! TRUE DEVOTION – THE MANUSCRIPT FOUND IN A CHEST (28th April is the feast day of St Louis de Montfort ) In 1842, a priest was looking through an old chest in a house in Saint Laurent-sur-Sevre, in France. The priest was a member of the Fathers of the Company of Mary, today commonly called the Montfort Fathers, and the house belonged to the community. At the bottom of the chest, the priest found a stack of old handwritten pages, yellow with age. The priest took the sheets to his superiors. There were many consultations, many readings, much comparing of handwriting. Finally it was announced that these were two manuscripts which had undoubtedly been written by Father Louis Marie de Montfort, the founder of the community. A STACK OF OLD HANDWRITTEN PAGES, YELLOW WITH AGE The Bishop of Lucon authorised the publication of the work, True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has since gone through 130 editions and has played a tremendous part in increasing devotion to the Bles...


ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL   Saints celebrated on the 28th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL   Saints celebrated on the 28th of April WELCOME! SAINT LOUIS-MARIE GRIGNION DE MONTFORT, MISSIONARY  ➡️ True Devotion to Mary - The Manuscript Found in a Chest Missionary in Brittany and Vendee; born at Montfort, January 31, 1673; died at Saint Laurent sur Sevre, April 28, 1716. HE FOUND HIS TRUE VOCATION From his childhood, he was indefatigably devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and, when from his twelfth year he was sent as a day pupil to the Jesuit college at Rennes, he never failed to visit the church before and after class. He joined a society of young men who during holidays ministered to the poor and to the incurables in the hospitals, and read for them edifying books during their meals. At the age of nineteen, he went on foot to Paris to follow the course in theology, gave away on the journey all his money to the poor, exchanged clothing with them, and made a vow to subsist thenceforth only on alms.  A HIGHLY GIF...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL   Saints celebrated on the 28th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their liv...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 25th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 26th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 27th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 27th of April WELCOME! SAINT ANASTASIUS I., POPE AND CONFESSOR  ⬅️ Saintly Popes - Index (Some calendars commemorate St Anastasius on December 19 . ) Saint Anastasius was by birth a Roman, and had, by many combats and labours, acquired a high reputation for his virtues and abilities. He succeeded Siricius in the papacy, in 398.  "A MAN OF A HOLY LIFE" St Jerome calls him a man of a holy life, of a most rich poverty, and endued with an apostolic solicitude and zeal. He exerted himself in stopping the progress of Origenism. When Rufinus had translated the dangerous books of Origen, On the Principles, he condemned that translation as tending to weaken our faith, built on the tradition of the apostles and our fathers, as he says in his letter on this subject, to John, bishop of Jerusalem. As to Rufinus, he leaves to God his intention in translating this work.  HE EXERTED HIMSELF IN STOPPING ORIGENISM In this epist...


  ALL SAINTS CELEBRATED IN APRIL Saints celebrated on the 27th of April Prayer to the Angels and the Saints Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation. In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven. Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses. Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so ...