BL. GUIDO, ABBOT OF CÎTEAUX Guido, who is commemorated on May 20, was the 15th abbot of Cîteaux, afterwards cardinal bishop of Albano, is named by some (Henriquez) as "blessed", by others (Bucelin) without this title. (Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, 1858) *** FROM THE CISTERCIAN SAINTS GALLERY: ST THORFINN OF HAMAR, BISHOP Saint Thorfinn, a Cistercian monk, and Bishop of Hamar, Norway, was born in Trondheim. From A.D. 1282 onwards, King Eric II tried to control Church matters (such as the elections of bishops and who was in charge of Church affairs) and used force to get his way. A prolonged persecution of the Church by the secular state followed... ➡️ continue reading