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As the names and number of other catholics , as well of the clergy as of the laity, who, under this same reign, were either deprived of their livings or suffered loss of their estates, imprisonments, banishments, &c., for their religion; it is impossible to set them all down. 

Dr Bridgewater, in a table published at the end of Concertatio Ecclesias Catholicæ, gives us the names of about twelve hundred, who had suffered in this manner before the year 1588; that is, before the greatest heat of the persecution; and yet declares that he is far from pretending to have named all, but only such whose sufferings had come to his knowledge. 

York Castle (c. 1699)

In this list, there are three archbishops (taking in two of Ireland); bishops consecrated or elected: eighteen; one abbot; four whole convents of religious; thirteen deans; fourteen archdeacons; sixty prependaries; five hundred and thirty priests; forty-nine doctors of divinity; eighteen doctors of the law; and fifteen masters of colleges; one queen; eight earls, ten lords; twenty-six knights; three hundred and twenty-six gentlemen; and about sixty ladies and gentlewomen. Many of these died in prison; and several under sentence of death . We shall here add, by way of conclusion of this first part, the names of those (who were not executed,) whose sufferings for religion are briefly touched on in our memoirs.

Traitors' Gate, 
Tower of London

Ailworth, an Irish gentleman - perishes in prison. Arundel, Sir John - cast into prison.
Arundel, Philip, Earl of - died in prison under sentence of death.
Barnet, Mr - is condemned to die.
Bennet, John, priest - imprisoned and tortured, and at last sent into banishment.
Bishop, William, priest - imprisoned , and afterwards banished.
Bosgrave, James, priest, S. J. - sentenced to death, afterwards banished.
Canfield, Bennet, Capuchin - imprisoned, afterwards banished.
Catholics, prisoners in York castle - dragged to protestant sermons.
Chaplain, William, priest - dies in prison. 
Clifton, Thomas, priest - condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
Cooper, John - perishes through cruel treatment in the Tower.
Colins, John, bookseller - condemned to die.
Cornish gentlemen - cast into a premunire. 
Cotesmore, Thomas, priest - perishes in prison. Crowthar, Thomas, priest - dies in prison.
Dymock, Esq. , champion of England - perishes in prison.
Feckenham, abbot of Westminster - dies in prison. Fenn, Robert, priest - suffers prisons, racks, and banishment for his faith. 
Harrison, John, priest, dies in prison.
Hart, John, priest - is condemned with Father Campion, is cruelly used in prison, and afterwards banished. 
Hatton, Richard, priest - condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
Holmes, Robert, priest - perishes in prison.
Hunt, Eleanore - sentenced to die for harbouring a priest.
Jenks, Roland - condemned to lose his ears.
Jetter, John, priest - dies in prison.
Lancashire gentlemen - imprisoned for religion. Lomax, James, priest - perishes in prison.
Maskew, Bridget - condemned to be burnt.
Mettham, Thomas, priest , S. J. - dies in prison. Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl - murdered in the Tower.
Norton, Mrs - sentenced to death for relieving a priest. 
Orton, Mr - condemned with Father Campion, afterwards banished.
Pounds, Thomas, Esq. - a great sufferer for catholic religion.
Pole, Edward, priest - dies in prison.
Priests, seventy - banished in 1585 - more banished in 1603, thirty committed prisoners to Wisbech castle. Pugh, John - condemned to die for his religion. 
Pugh, Henry, gent. - cruelly tortured.
Rishton, Edward, priest - condemned with Father Campion
Shelley, Esq. - dies in the Marshalsea. 
Sherton, Martin, priest - dies in prison.
Steile, James, priest - banished and cruelly treated. Tesse, Ann - condemned to be burnt for persuading a minister to become a catholic. 
Thimbleby, Gabriel, gent. - dies in prison.
Tregian, Thomas, Esq. - stripped of a plentiful estate, and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. 
Thyrwhite (Tyrwhitt), William, Esq. - hurried to prison under a violent fever and dies in two days. 
Typper, Mark, gent. - whipped through the city of London and has his ears bored through with a hot iron. 
Vaux, Lawrence, warden of Manchester - dies in prison.
Wakeman, Roger, priest - perishes in prison.
Watson, Christopher, with twenty other catholics, perishes in York jail.
Watson, Richard, priest, is cruelly treated in Bridewell, escapes by the help of Mrs Margaret Ward.
Wells, Mrs - dies, under sentence of death, in prison. 
Williamson, Thomas, priest - condemned to prison for life.
Wiseman, Mrs - condemned to die.
Yates, Edward, Esq. , with six other catholic gentlemen, is taken with Father Campion and cast into prison.

Source: Bishop Richard Challoner, Memoirs of Missionary Priests, Volume 1


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that we who know how courageously your holy martyrs confessed the faith, may experience their goodness as they intercede for us with you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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