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Saints celebrated on the 2nd of April



Genoveva in the Forest Seclusion
- Adrian Ludwig Richter

Genoveva (Genovefa, Genevieve), wife of Count Palatine Siegfried von Mayenfeld, of the lineage of the Dukes of Brabant, is known far and wide for her remarkable history. 

According to the legend, when her husband marched against the Saracens under Charles Martell, he left his wife under the protection of his steward Golo, who repeatedly made indecent proposals to her, only to accuse her of adultery when she refused. Golo [sent word to her husband, to whom he related that his wife had been unfaithful with a pious cook and] persuaded the Count to have her executed for adultery. 

Moved by pity, a servant charged with carrying out the punishment let her escape to the Ardennes forest. Here she hid and let her son [Schmerzenreich ("Abundant Woe")], who was born seven months after her husband had left for battle, be fed by a hind. 

[Seven years later, her] husband discovered her by chance while hunting in the forest of Andernach [in a cave now called Genovevahöhle (Genoveva's cave)], recognised her innocence and brought her back with great honour. Golo took his own life, and Siegfried founded a chapel on the spot where he found his wife. This story has been edited many times; in recent times especially by Tieck and by our excellent youth writer Christoph v. Schmid. -  

Genoveva is called “Saint Genoveva" by some, “blessed” by others, but is not listed in any church-approved office. Even as to the period in which she is said to have lived, the accounts of the legend writers differ so widely that no association is possible. Many believe the whole story to be fictional, and the Bollandists* reckon that if there is any truth in it, it is far from sufficient to warrant ecclesiastical veneration (I. 57).

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 2, Augsburg, 1861, p. 378)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


O saintly Genoveva, I thank the supreme God, who saved you so miraculously from the dangers of the world, enriched you with so many virtues, and endowed you with so many graces. I commend myself to your faithful intercession and rich merits, and through the love of Jesus Christ, whom you have served so faithfully on earth, I ask you to obtain for me patience and steadfastness in all my adversities, and the ability to forgive those who wrong me.

(Additions and prayer by Martin of Cochem)

Sources of these articles (in the original German):,,,


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