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Saints celebrated on the 4th of October



Monastery yard in the snow

According to Gallica Christiana* (II. 998), Saint Marsus was a priest of the Archdiocese of Cologne. His relics are venerated in Essen (Assencium, Essenda). Abbess Mechtild III. [Mechtild II.](998-1003) facilitated this translation. The Bollandists* confirm this fact, and state that Auxerre was Marsus' area of ​​influence during his lifetime.

His name is also spelled Massus, Marusius, Marcus. The Bollandists* reckon him to have been the right hand of Saint Peregrine, the first bishop of Auxerre. Following his death, Marsus was buried in the Church of Saint Corcodomus in Mont Artre (Monte Autrico).

The transfer of his mortal remains to Essen took place in the 10th century under Otto III. (II. 387–390.) Since the abbess Mechtild indeed lived around this time (Gall. Chr. III. 775), there is no contradiction regarding the time. 

However, there seems to be some confusion regarding his translation from Auxerre, and also regarding his alleged sphere of influence. According to the tradition of the Church of Auxerre, in was in the middle of the third century that Peregrine came to these areas - he had been sent by Pope Sixtus II - and built the first little church here. He suffered martyrdom and is venerated on May 16. His successor Marcellianus, who, according to this reference, is sometimes also called Marsus, could perhaps be the one whom Bollandists* refer to.

This saint died on May 13 and was buried in Monte Autrico. From there his relics came to the monastery of Saint Julian of Auxerre, which was founded by Saint Amator. So apparently two different holy men of the name Marsus are listed among the saints, one of whom worked in Essen and the other in Auxerre. The relics of the former are in Essen, those of the latter in Auxerre, namely, as Migne* testifies, in the church of Saint Julian.

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 4, Augsburg, 1875, pp. 258-59)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of Saint Marsus may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sources of these articles (in the original German):,,,


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