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Saints celebrated on the 23rd of July



Saint Ravennus and Saint Rasiphus were originally from Great Britain. Because of the zeal with which they presented the Christian religion to the heathens there, they were expelled. They came to Normandy and settled near Seez in a lonely place called Macé (Mathianum). 

While they wore just animal skins and fed on roots, they sought nothing but union with God in complete separation from the world. Nevertheless, many curious people soon arrived, and Saint Ravennus, who was knowledgeable in medicine, healed the sick with God's help. At the same time he and his brother Rasiphus refreshed their patients' souls with heavenly medicine. 

When the local judge was eventually informed of the two saints' activities, he sent captors who seized the servants of God and killed them with inhuman cruelty. 

The memory of these blessed men was not forgotten. At the site of their martyrdom a church was built. Their relics were later taken to St Vedast near Bayeux. Under Bishop Hugh II (Hugo II), a large part of them was brought to the Cathedral of Bayeux with great solemnity.

Here they remained in veneration until, in 1562, the Calvinists burned them with their usual brutality. Ravennus' and Rasiphus' death is thought to have taken place c.470. In the Proprium of Bayeux they have their own lessons. In the Martyrology of France they are mentioned twice, on July 23 and 24. Their veneration also continues to this day in Seez and Lisieux. (V. 389–396.)

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 5, Augsburg, 1882, p. 42)

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of Saints Ravennus and Rasiphus may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sources of these articles (in the original German):,,,


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