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Saints celebrated on the 20th of April


Saint Hugh was born at Poitiers (Pictavium) of wealthy parents. Concerned about a good upbringing of their child, they brought him to the monastery of St Savinus, which had been founded by Charlemagne.  

Here he stayed and was ordained to the priesthood around the time when Charles the Bald ruled the Frankish kingdom, that is between A.D. 843 and 877. 

Soon afterwards he was selected to assist Abbot Arnulf in restoring St Martin's Abbey at Autun (Augustodunum or Civitas Aeduorum). Among his brethren there was also a former Count Badillo or Badilo, who according to the Bollandists*, is probably the same who later became Abbot of Leuze (Lutosa). 

A few years later, Hugo accompanied Blessed Berno in order to reform the Baumes (Balma) monastery in the diocese of Besançon, whereupon both lived in the monastery at Cluny as its first monks. Berno became abbot here, while St Hugo held the position of prior in Anzi le Duc (Enziacum, Anziacum). 

To this short sketch of his outward life events it should be added that his assistance and prudence were counted on wherever spiritual or bodily need required help. He is credited with founding a hospital and various workshops in Anzi le Duc. 

Apart from these facts, we only have general notes about him, which speak about his striving for Christian perfection in general. Several miracles were attributed to his intercession, such as the driving away of thunderstorms.

Hugh lived to a ripe old age, but the closer he got to death, the more he tried to die well. For the last three years of his life he locked himself in his cell, sighing towards the heavenly fatherland with constant tears and prayers. He died on April 20 around the year 930, maybe a little earlier. On December 13, 1001 his mortal remains were solemnly raised and buried in a chapel, where again, as at his death, many miracles took place at his intercession. 

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 2, Augsburg, 1861)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of Saint Hugh may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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