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Saints celebrated on the 5th of March


Blessed Peter of Castronovo [Petrus von Castelnau] (Petrus a Castro novo), in A.D. 1203, was made First Faith Inquisitor by Pope Innocent III. But far from shedding the blood of an Albigensian, or causing a bloodshed by condemnation, he himself died a victim of heretical hatred. Even his relics were thrown into the fire by heretics (in 1562).

Born at Castelnau (Castrum novum), in Quercy, he first was a secular priest and later became Cistercian in the monastery of Fontfroide (Fons frigidus) in the diocese of Narbonne. 

He was known for his piety and strict orthodoxy as well as for his zeal for souls. Invoking the name of Jesus, which the heretics reviled and blasphemed, he travelled to Toulouse in 1203. Barefooted, he went about the country as a penitential preacher, accompanied by another friar, Magister Radulfus (Raoul), full of zeal and trust in God. 

His efforts being entirely unsuccessful, he humbly returned to Fontfroide. Not long after, however, the order of the Pope called him back to the same post. “You shall spare no effort,” the Pope wrote to him, “even if the people to whom you are sent seem hard and incorrigible; for God is able to raise up sons to Abraham from stones. Even if you have not yet achieved your desires, you cannot hope for a lesser reward, for God does not reward success, but effort. We urge you, therefore, to be patient in fulfilling the work of an evangelist and the ministry entrusted to you.” 

Blessed Peter frequently remarked that only when one of the ministers had actually died for the defence of the faith would the cause of Jesus Christ make better progress. "May I," he added. "be the first to fall under the persecutor's sword." However, he did not actively seek out death, but merely expressed that he did not fear it for the sake of Jesus and faith. Later, he had to withdraw from the country yet again because his life was threatened. In 1207 he took part in the Montreal Conference, and from there went to Provence.

Here, at Saint Giles, his heart's desire was fulfilled. After meeting Count Raymond VI of Toulouse, the head of the Albigensians, and having finished reading the holy Mass, Peter turned to return via the Rhone, when one of the count's servants hurled a lance after him and fatally wounded him below the ribs. The martyr called out to him, "God forgive you, as I forgive you," and then fell asleep in prayer in the Lord.

Blessed Peter is also commemorated on January 15 and March 14.

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 4, Augsburg, 1875, p. 833)

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of the blessed Peter may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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