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Saints celebrated on the 1st of May


A page of one of Fortunatus Hueber's
Saints' books,
"Stammenbuch..." (1693)

Matilda (Maud, Mathildis) is remembered on May 1, April 30, and August 7. A daughter of King Malcolm III. of Scotland and Saint Margaret, she married King Henry I. (died 1135) of England, and died herself in 1118. 

Cammerarius* and others give her the title "blessed". In fact she was famous for her piety, humility and charity. During her years of discernment, she had chosen the monastic life and taken her vows. Therefore she would by no means consent to the advice of her parents, who, for the sake of peace, desired her marriage to Henry the Conqueror. Considering, however, that obedience is better than sacrifice, she submitted, but with great reluctance, even, if the account is true, cursing their future offspring (maledicens fructui ventris sui affuturo). But later she submitted to this forced relationship. 

As queen, she took after her father in courageous determination, and after her mother in piety: piety and diligence dwelt side by side within her (Anglia, p. I. 273-275). The Bollandists* list her once more on August 7 (II. 183), with the addition that she does not enjoy any ecclesiastical veneration. According to Migne*, who calls her "Saint Mathildis" she founded the two great hospitals: of Christ and Giles. Her resting place is at Westminster next to that of Edward the Confessor.

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 4, Augsburg, 1875, pp. 310-11)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Matilda or Maud (also called Edith) was the great-great niece of Edward the Confessor. She was born in 1080, the daughter of Malcolm III., King of Scots, and his wife Saint Margaret (granddaughter of Edmund 'Ironside', the Confessor's half-brother). She was a pious and charitable lady and was also known for her literary and musical interests.

Her marriage to Henry I. in 1100 united the Saxon and Norman lines. This took place in Westminster Abbey (the Norman church) on November 11. She was crowned on the same day as her wedding, by Archbishop Anselm. She died on May 1, 1118 and was buried on the right hand side of the original Shrine of Saint Edward the Confessor. The present Shrine is in the same location. There is no tombstone or memorial for her.

(Source: Westminster Abbey - )


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