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Saints celebrated on the 5th of March


Saint John Joseph of the Cross (S. Johannes Joseph a S. Cruce) was born of the noble family of Calosirto around 1654 in the town of Ischia (Iscia) near Naples. Of his pious parents' seven children, six entered religious orders.

From an early age he loved prayer, silence and solitude; and fasted in honour of Mary on bread and water every Saturday and eve of her feast days. Not yet 16 years old, he entered the Improved Order of Saint Francis (which, under Pope Clement IX, had been been introduced to Italy by Saint Peter of Alcantara), choosing the name John because he was invested on June 24, but the name Joseph because he especially venerated this saint, and "of the Cross", because already at this young age he perceived the spiritual fruits of suffering.

He slept only three hours a night, drank no wine and ate no meat or fish. Through the intercession of Mary, he was healed of a serious sore throat that prevented him from praying in choirs and doing other exercises. During the hours of devotion, his confreres frequently observed him floating in the air. He was later ordained a priest against his will. At various times, he was entrusted with the office of Master of Novices and Guardian, also once that of a Provincial. 

His severity against himself is beyond belief - if it were not confirmed by many testimonies. Notwithstanding his unusual severity (which serves rather to shame our softness and lukewarmness than for us to imitate it entirely) he reached the age of eighty.

At the monastery of Saint Lucia, a severe stroke put an end to his long life of mortification on March 5, 1734.

Since after his death several miracles happened through his intercession, Pope Pius VI beatified him on May 15, 1789. Pope Gregory XVI canonised him, along with several other holy men and women, on May 26, 1839 - the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. His name is also listed in the Roman Martyrology*. (But. XIX. 311)

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 3, Augsburg, 1869, pp. 221-22)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of Saint John Joseph of the Cross may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

⬅️ More information about Saint John Joseph of the Cross


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