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A noble girl of Rome thought of nothing but the world, forgetting God and her soul. Her head was full of vanities, balls, parties, fashion, theatre and worldly entertainments. It happened that her little sister secured a most advantageous marriage, and the elder sister was envious and full of jealousy, and she decided to become a nun out of spite. Without a vocation she entered the convent of St Claire in Viterbo and there she behaved very badly. She was proud, vain and unrestrained, she secretly read evil novels and made fun at the other nuns. She was chided by her superiors many times, but to no avail.

In the meantime, Jesus had chosen her for Himself, and then called her in a terrifying and most effective way. She was taken gravely ill. All scientific methods of making her better failed and she seemed doomed to die. She was in great fear because death was near and she had a frightening vision. It seems she saw the highest Judge in the act of firmly sentencing her and threatening her with eternal damnation. Shaking with fear, she promised that if she got better, she would change her whole life.

By a special grace, she was completely healed; she put a rope around her neck and she contritely prostrated herself and humbled herself before the others sisters, kissing the feet of each one and asking for forgiveness, in the midst of tears and sighs, for all the disrespect and wrong she had done. The great vision of death, judgment and hell, had moved her profoundly, it had illuminated her and she became a fervent lover of the most loving Heart of Jesus. What dolorous confessions! what fervent communion! what rigorous penance! what long contemplations! What rigorous observance of her vows and the Rule of her Order! What great advances in all virtues, and what heavenly treasures and graces she received from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She is the dear St Giacinta Marescotti.

If the thought of the four last things makes you afraid, repeat with St Margaret: “The Heart of my Jesus wishes me to fear nothing.”.

PRAYER: Death, judgment, heaven and hell; call me to You, O eternal God.

(From "Month of the Sacred Heart")


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