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Saints celebrated on the 21st of January



St Agnes was a teenager who was put to death at the end of the persecution of Diocletian, whose bloody edicts appeared in March in the year of our Lord 303. 

She was accused to the governor as a Christian. The judge at first employed the mildest expressions and most inviting promises; to which Agnes paid no regard, repeating always, that she belonged to Jesus Christ. 

He then made use of threats; but found her soul endowed with a masculine courage. She was then dragged before the idols, and commanded to offer incense: "but could by no means be compelled to move her hand, except to make the sign of the cross," says St Ambrose.   


The governor seeing his measures ineffectual, said he would send her to a house of prostitution, where what she prized so highly should be exposed to the insults of the debauchees. Agnes answered that Jesus Christ was too jealous of the purity of his spouses, to suffer it to be violated in such a manner; for he was their defender and protector. 

"You may," said she, "stain your sword with my blood, but will never be able to profane my body, consecrated to Christ." 


The governor was so incensed at this, that he ordered her to be immediately led to the public brothel, with liberty to all persons to abuse her person at pleasure. Many young profligates ran thither, full of the wicked desire of gratifying their lust; but were seized with such awe at the sight of the saint, that they durst not approach her; one only excepted, who, attempting to be rude to her, was that very instant, by a flash, as it were, of lightening from heaven, struck blind, and fell trembling to the ground. His companions terrified, took him up and carried him to Agnes, who was at a distance, singing hymns of praise to Christ, her protector. The virgin by prayer restored him to his sight and health.


The governor, exasperated to see himself baffled, and set at defiance by one of her tender age and sex. Therefore, resolved upon her death, he condemned her to be beheaded. Agnes, transported with joy on hearing this sentence, and still more at the sight of the executioner, "went to the place of execution more cheerfully," says St Ambrose, "than others go to their wedding." 

St Agnes, having made a short prayer, bowed down her neck to adore God, and received the stroke of death. The spectators wept to see so beautiful and tender a virgin loaded with fetters, and to behold her fearless under the very sword of the executioner, who with a trembling hand cut off her head at one stroke. Her body was buried at a small distance from Rome, near the Nomentan road. A church was built on the spot. 

From Fr Butler's Lives of the Saints


Almighty, eternal God,

You choose what the world considers weak

to put the worldly power to shame.

May we who celebrate the birth

of Saint Agnes into eternal joy

be loyal to the faith she professed.

Through Jesus Christ, Your Son,

who lives and reigns with You

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

God, for ever and ever.



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