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Saints celebrated on the 12th of December

Marian Feast Days 


O glorious Virgin, Mother of God, blessed among all nations, worthy of praise and the greatest of praise, intercede for me with thy beloved Son. O honoured Lady, Mother of the King of Angels and Archangels, assist and deliver me from every difficulty and danger.

O Blossom of the Patriarchs, the Virgins and the Angels, Hope of Glory, Beauty of Virgins, Admiration of the Angels and Archangels, remember me, and forsake me not, I beseech thee, at the terrible hour of my death. O Star of the Sea, Gate of Heaven, Temple of God, Palace of Jesus Christ, Harbour of Safety, Power of all Nations, Pearl of all Sweetness, Hope of the Faithful; O Queen who shelters the guilty, who surpasses in radiance the Virgins and the Angels, thy presence gives joy to all the hosts of Heaven.

Therefore, O Mother of Mercy, I place in the protection of thy holy hands my going out, my coming in, my sleeping, my waking, the sight of my eyes, the touch of my hands, the speech from my lips, the hearing of my ears, so that in everything I may be pleasing to thine own beloved Son. Amen.


The picture of the Virgin Mary that appeared on Mr Juan Diego's cloak is a representation of the Immaculate Conception, with the sun, moon, and stars, according to the biblical text in the Book of Revelation. Mary, clothed in a blue robe dotted with stars, stands on the crescent moon. Underneath the crescent is a supporting Angel. The rays of the sun shoot out on all sides from behind the Blessed Mother.


The apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe is Mary’s only recorded appearance in North America. Pope Pius XII said, “We are certain that so long as you – Our Lady of Guadalupe – are recognised as Queen and Mother, America and Mexico are saved.” He proclaimed her the Patroness of the Americas. The United States was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1846.


The Image of our Lady of Guadalupe is the Image of the Immaculate Conception. As patroness of Pan-American unity, Our Lady of Guadalupe influences her children to turn toward one another in common love for her and her beloved Son.


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