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Saints celebrated on the 13th of September


Today we commemorate Venerius, monk and hermit. He belonged to the Order of Camaldoli and lived a strict and austere life in the mountains surrounding Tivoli. He is mentioned by Baronius and Ferrarius. According to Lechner, Venerius died around the year 1000. (1)


Tivoli is a diocese in the Province of Rome. The city in situated where the Anio, issuing from the Sabine hills, leaps down from a height of nearly 300 feet and enters the Roman Campagna. The water power of the beautiful falls, which attract many tourists to the city, is utilised in various industries and supplies the electric current that lights Rome. The slopes of the neighbouring hills are covered with olives, vineyards and gardens; the most important local industry is the manufacture of paper. The great cascade has existed only since 1835, when the Gregorian tunnel through Monte Catillo was completed, to give an outlet to the waters of the Anio sufficient to preserve the city from inundation. The "Grotto of Neptune" and the "Cascatelle" are ancient. There are ruins of two old temples, one of Hercules Saxanus, commonly called "of the Sybil", the other of Tibutus, both overlooking the great cascade. Near the Roman gate is the "Tempio della Tosse". Among the more important churches are the cathedral, S. Maria Maggiore, and S. Maria degli Olivi, containing interesting fifteenth-century frescoes; also S. Maria di Quintiliolo, built on the ruins of the villa of Quintilius Varus [...]

Tivoli is the birthplace of St Severinus (6th century), of Popes St Simplicius and John IX, also of the painter and musician Golia. The Church of Tivoli counts many martyrs, among them St Getulius, St Symphorosa with her seven sons, martyred in the days of Hadrian; at a later period a basilica was erected over the place of their martyrdom. Other martyrs were Vincentius, Majorius and Generosus. The deacon St Cletus was later confounded with the pope of that name, really St Anacletus. The first known bishop was Candidus (465); among his successors was Gaulterus (1000), under whom the feast of St Lawrence, patron of the city, was instituted [...] The diocese is immediately subject to the Holy See [...] (2)

(1) Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, 1858; (2) From Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913 - 🎨 (1) View of the waterfall at Tivoli, (2) Jean-Charles-Joseph Remond - View of Tivoli from a grotto


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