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Meic (Febr. 7, May 19, August 9). No details of his life and work are given.

Midgus (May 18), Son of Eire in Cilli tulltee. Mentioned by Kelly.

Vachonna (May 15), Bishop.

Segineus (May 24), Bishop of Armagh; he died A.D. 687.

Maoldoid (May 11)

Stellanus (May 24), on the island Cealtra, currently Lough Dergh, river Shannon. According to Colgan, he lived about A.D. 650.

Mac Lenin (May 10) is mentioned in a handwritten manuscript according to the Mart. Taml.

Lugacthus (May 12, November 2) was son of king Aengussius of the province of Munster.

Transilla (May 2) is mentioned in several editions of the Mart. Taml. She is, however, not listed in Kelly's edition.

Midgasius (May 18) was an Irishman. He is mentioned in the Mart. Taml. with the addition, "filius Ecci de Rilltailten".

Majus et Imeritus (May 11) do not seem to be mentioned anywhere else but in the Mart. Taml.

Mosinocus (May 10). Mosinocus de Cluain-Caichne. No other details are specified.

Mochua (May 4). Son of Crummincus... on Mount Eblina. Another entry in the Mart. Taml. runs: "Mochua Ailiuin" (March 12). 

Maelcetair (Maelchadarius) (May 14). Son of Ronain.

Mac Laitbe (May 20). He is mentioned in Kelly's Mart. Taml. with the place name "Domnaighmoire".

Luidgenius (May 20). He is mentioned in the Mart. Taml., and his veneration is confirmed by Colganus. Details about his life and work have not been preserved.

Moeltalius (Moeltulius), (May 29). An Irish abbot in East Aran.

Moenninnus (Moencunus), (May 29) is found in the Mart. Taml. Kelly calls him "Moenindocus Polan".

Moeldranus (May 31). Allegedly, he is an Irish saint. He is mentioned in the Mart. Taml. with the surname "Slanensis".

Maoilidoid (May 13) is mentioned in Kelly's Mart. Taml. without any further information. 

Straphanus (Stephanus) (May 23). Straphanus of Cluain-More. (Mart. Taml.)

Maria (Mary) (May 18). The Mart. Taml. mentions on this day Maria, Urbana, Zefanus, Michael - martyrs.

Saranus (May 18). Confessor.

Maria et Rufina. (May 4). These saints occur only in the Mart. Taml. The Bollandists reckon that the name "Maria" is a mistake; it should read "Marianus" instead.

Saranus (May 15). Son of Airechtair of Inis-Moir in the area of Mac-Cuille.

Marluithalus (May 20). This saint is listed with the surname "de Memmechmon".

Mocholla (May 25), the daughter (inghen) of Diomo or Derma. (Mart. Taml.)

Mancheni (May 1), listed in the Mart. Taml. without any further details.

Michael (May 18). An unknown martyr mentioned in the Mart. Taml.

Sandalius (May 3, December 19).

Saints Nicodimus and Germanus (May 1), listed in the Mart. Taml. on this day.

Renovatus (May 1).

Moeldodius (May 11), listed in the Mart. Taml.

Finnlugus (May 11).

Mio Gnaislaingi (May 17), mentioned in the Mart. Taml. of Kelly.

Stephanus (May 1), mentioned by the Bollandists as listed in the Mart. Taml.

Saint Mochamalius (May 16), an Irish saint found in the Mart. Taml.

Saint Mochonna is mentioned several times: Mochonna of Daire [Derry], May 3; Mochonna Maighi Eo [Mayo], March 27; Mochonna - without additional information - on May 13 and June 7, and on May 19, Mochonna Chille Comairthe.

Kumman. In Dr . Kelly's Mart. Taml. we find, on different days, 17 saints with that name or variations of it: Cumineus, Cuminus, Cummenus und Cumminus. A female saint called Cumania is listed on May 29: Cumne, Vir., Inghen Alleain, in Aird Ulladh.



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