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From the 13th century "Golden Legend" by Bl. Jacopo de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275. Originally in Latin, it was the most widely read book (after the Bible) during the late Middle Ages:

Here followeth the Life of Saint Swithin.

Saint Swithin, the holy confessor, was born beside Winchester in the time of Saint Egbert, king. This holy Saint Swithin served our Lady so devoutly that all people that knew him had great joy of his holiness, and Elmeston, that was in that time Bishop of Winchester, encouraged him to be ordained priest. 

And he became then so holy in living that King Egbert made him his chancellor and set Ethulf his son and his heir under his rule and guiding, and prayed him to take heed to him that he might be brought up virtuously. 

And within short time after the king died, and then his son Ethulf was made king after him. And he guided this land full well and wisely, that it increased greatly in good living, through the counsel of Saint Swithin. 

And when Elmeston the Bishop of Winchester was dead, Swithin was made Bishop there after him, whereof the people were full glad, and by his holy living he caused the people to live virtuously. And if any church fell down, or was in decay, Saint Swithin would amend it at his own cost. Or if any church were not hallowed, he would go thither afoot and hallow it. For he loved no pride, or to ride on horses, or to be praised or flattered of the people. 

Saint Swithin guided full well his bishopric, and did much good to the town of Winchester in his time. He did do make outside the west gate of the town a fair bridge of stone at his proper cost. 

And on a time there came a woman over the bridge with her lap full of eggs, and a reckless fellow struggled and wrestled with her, and brake all her eggs. And it happed that this holy bishop came that way the same time, and bade the woman let him see her eggs, and he lift up his hand and blessed the eggs, and they were made whole and sound, ever each one, by the merits of this holy bishop, and being then glad she thanked God and this holy man for the miracle that was done to her.

And soon after died King Ethulf, and his son Egbert reigned after him. And after him was Ethelbert king; and in the third year of his reign died this blessed bishop Saint Swithin. 

And when he should die, he charged his men to bury him in the churchyard. For he loved no pomp in his life, nor did he want any after his death. He passed to our Lord the year of grace 806. And he lay in the churchyard 109 years and odd days. But in the time of holy king Edgar his body was translated and put in a shrine in the abbey of Winchester by Saint Dunstan and Ethelwold. And the same year was Saint Edward, king and martyr shrined at Shaftesbury. These two bishops, Dunstan and Ethelwold, were warned by our Lord to see that these two holy Saints, Swithin and Edward, should be worshipfully shrined, and so they were within short time after. And at the opening of the grave of Saint Swithin, such a sweet odour issued out that king Edgar and all the multitude of people were fulfilled with heavenly sweetness, and a blind man received there his sight again, and many were healed of divers sickness and maladies by the merits of this holy saint, Saint Swithin, to whom let us pray that he be our advocate to the good Lord for us.


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