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Saints celebrated on the 2nd of October


The Almighty has placed you under the protection of an Angel. Render thanks to Him this day for so great a benefit. Give thanks also to your Guardian Angel for all the love and care which until now he has always bestowed upon you. Show him always due honour, in accordance with the admonitions of the Lord. Let no day pass on which you do not, at least morning and evening, place yourself under his powerful protection

Your holy angel is most perfectly obedient to the Almighty. Following the command of God, he has taken charge of you, and experience has convinced you that he performs his mission well. Be you also obedient to your God. He has entrusted to you a precious, immortal soul, and has commanded you to take good care of it. 

Your Guardian Angel is a pure spirit He has the greatest horror for the least shadow of impurity. Imitate him. Detest every thing, however trifling it may appear, that is unchaste. Do not regard anything as trifling, which may injure chastity; for, nothing can be a trifle, that is displeasing to the Divine Majesty or to your Guardian Angel. Your holy Angel accompanies you joyfully to Church. He there worships, with great veneration, in the company of many other Angels, your Saviour truly present. Imitate him. Rejoice to go to Church and there worship your God, with angelic reverence and devotion. Say your prayers in such a manner, that your holy Angel may offer them to the Almighty with pleasure. Do not profane your devotions, by unnecessary conversation, by idly gazing around, by indecent manners or other similar irreverences. God requires an unspotted sacrifice, and your holy Angel will not present any other to the Divine Majesty.

Although your Guardian Angel has charge of you, and is constantly with you, he nevertheless enjoys the divine presence and glorifies and praises God unceasingly. Imitate him, by frequently thinking of God during your day’s work; by working in His presence and by praising Him, as well by those prayers which you say at stated times of the day, as also by renewing your good intentions, and by short pious prayers.

If you follow your holy Angel on earth, you will also enjoy his society in heaven. The Venerable Bede writes; "If we desire to attain to the society of the holy Angels in heaven, we must neglect nothing to follow them on earth." (Fr Weninger)



Holy Guardian Angel, you were given to me at the beginning of my life as a protector and companion. Poor sinner that I am, I, (name) want to consecrate myself to you today in the presence of my Lord and God, Mary, my Celestial Mother, and all the angels and saints.

I want to unite myself to you today and never more be separated from you.

United intimately with you, I promise to be faithful and obedient to my Lord and God and the holy Church.

I promise to always proclaim Mary as my Queen and Mother and to make her life be a model for mine.

I promise to proclaim my faith in you, my holy protector, and zealously promote the devotion to the holy angels as being, in a special way, protection and help during this time of spiritual struggle for the Kingdom of God.

I ask you, holy Angel of the Lord, all the strength of divine love so that I may be inflamed by it; I ask that my union with you may be for me a protecting shield against the enemy’s assaults.

Finally, I ask you, my holy Guardian Angel, for the most holy Virgin’s grace of humility to preserve me from all dangers so that guided by you I may reach the Heavenly Homeland.



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