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Saints celebrated on the 22nd of October

Prayer to the Angels and the Saints

Heavenly Father, in praising Your Angels and Saints we praise Your glory, for by honouring them we honour You, their Creator. Their splendour shows us Your greatness, which infinitely surpasses that of all creation.

In Your loving providence, You saw fit to send Your Angels to watch over us. Grant that we may always be under their protection and one day enjoy their company in heaven.

Heavenly Father, You are glorified in Your Saints, for their glory is the crowning of Your gifts. You provide an example for us by their lives on earth, You give us their friendship by our communion with them, You grant us strength and protection through their prayer for the Church, and You spur us on to victory over evil and the prize of eternal glory by this great company of witnesses.

Grant that we who aspire to take part in their joy may be filled with the Spirit that blessed their lives, so that, after sharing their faith on earth, we may also experience their peace in heaven. Amen.


Mousa, who was governor of the Saracens, sent twelve thousand men under a general named Tarif, who easily possessed themselves of Mount Calpe, and the town Heraclea, which these Moors called from that time, Gibraltar, or, Mount of Tarif, from this general, and the word Gibel, which in Arabic signifies mountain. 

These Moors maintained their ground in this fortress, and being reinforced from Africa, defeated the Spaniards. Within three years time the Moors or Saracens were masters of all Spain, in 716, and carried away an immense booty. 

Mousa’s son Abdalasisa was left governor of Spain, and Seville was made the capital. 

The Spanish Goths chose Pelagius, the sole surviving prince of the blood royal, king of Spain, in 716, who assembled an army in the mountains of Asturias, recovered that country, Galicia, and Biscay, and afterwards Leon; and erected the Christian kingdom, called first of Asturias, afterwards of Leon. 

This prince gave great proofs of his valour and piety; as did his successor, Alphonsus the Catholic. The Saracen governors, especially the third, called Abderamene, ruled with great cruelty, and often carried their arms into the southern parts of France; but were repulsed by Charles Martel. 

This governor Abderamene, surnamed Adahil, in 759, shook off all dependence upon the sultans of Egypt, took the title of king, and fixed his court at Cordova; and the other Moorish governors in Spain imitated his example. 

After the first desolation of war, many of these princes tolerated the Christians in their dominions, but in the ninth century, a most cruel persecution was raised at Cordova, by King Abderamene the Second, and his son Mahomet.  

Among the numberless martyrs who in those days sealed their fidelity to the law of God with their blood, two holy virgins were most illustrious. They were sisters, of noble extraction, and their names were Nunilo and Alodia. 

Their father was a Mahometan, and their mother a Christian, and after the death of her first husband, she was so unhappy as to take a second husband who was also a Mahometan. 

Her two daughters, who had been brought up in the Christian faith, had much to suffer in the exercise of their religion from the brutality of this stepfather, who was a person of high rank in Castile. 

They were also solicited by many suitors to marry; but resolving to serve God in the state of holy virginity, they obtained leave to go to the house of a devout Christian aunt, where, enjoying an entire liberty as to their devotions, they strove to render themselves every day more agreeable to their divine Spouse. 

Their fasts were severe, and almost daily, and their devotions were only interrupted by necessary duties or other good works. 

The town where they lived, named Barbite or Vervete (which seems to be that which is now called Castro Viejo, near Najara, in Castile, upon the borders of Navarre), being subject to the Saracens, when the laws of King Abderamene were published against the Christians, they were too remarkable by their birth and the reputation of their zeal and piety not to be soon apprehended by the king’s officers. 

They appeared before the judge not only undaunted, but with a holy joy painted on their countenances. He employed the most flattering caresses and promises to work them into a compliance; and at length proceeded to threats. 

When these artifices failed him, he put them into the hands of impious women, hoping these instruments of the devil would be able, by their crafty address, to insinuate themselves into the hearts of the virgins. 

But Christ enlightened and protected his spouses, and those wicked women, after many trials, were obliged to declare to the judge that nothing could conquer their resolution. 

He therefore condemned them to be beheaded in their prison; which was executed on the 22nd of October, 851, or, according to Morales, in 840. A greater part of their relics is now kept in the abbey of St Saviour of Leger, in Navarre. 

(From Fr Butler's Lives of the Saints)


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