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Saints celebrated on the 8th of October



A view of Egmond Abbey,
by Claes Dircksz van der Heck, 1638

Antonius Hovaeus, or van Hove, also called van der Hoef, a Benedictine at the famous Egmond Abbey, was born at the beginning of the 16th century in Egmond or, as some would like, in Wormer. 

Because of his piety and learning, he enjoyed great respect among his monastic brothers. Therefore, after the death of Wilhelm van der Goes in 1560, the brethren would have liked him to become abbot, but this was thwarted by the unification of Egmond with the diocese of Harlem established by King Philip II. As compensation, Antonius received the Echternach Abbey in 1563, where he died on October 8, 1568 after five years of praiseworthy rule. 

Just like Cornelius Aurelius and Guilielmus Hermanni, he also left behind some classical Latin poetry. As such, his work “De arte amandi deum, accessit odarum, hymnorum et precum liber” Col. ap. Maternum Cholinum, 1566, deserves mention. In the pamphlet “A. Hovaei Haecmundani, Abbatis Echternacensis electi. Zuermondius, vel de temporis nostri statu et conditione dialogus”, Leidae ap. Th. G. Horst, 1564, he deals not only with the religious affairs of that time, but also with God's prudence, immortality and other theological topics. He dedicated this work to his friend Viglius in a letter dated October 7, 1563, which preceded it. He also wrote a “History van de edele welborne Heeren van Egmond uit de oude boeken byeenvergaderd, alsmede eene lyst van de abten van Egmond, mitsgaders eenige grafschrifts van de oude Hollandsche graven”. It first appeared in Latin in Harlem (through Michiel van Leeuwen) and was republished in Alkmaar in 1603, 1630, 1638, 1646 and 1648; also in Dutch translation in Harlem 1664 and in Alkmaar 1686, 1696, 1707, 1734 and 1771.



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