Saints celebrated on the 22nd of December
Jutta (also Juttha and Juda), virgin and abbess of the Benedictine nunnery on the Disibodenberg, was the daughter of Count Stephan II of Sponheim and the sister of Count Meginhard.
Bucelin* relates several of her miracles, including that she crossed the river Nahe (Naha) several times with dry feet. But he says nothing about the fact that she was the mistress of St Hildegardis, who received instruction and guidance from her.
The Bollandists* speak of her more often in the life of St Hildegardis on September 17, where it is said of Blessed Jutta that she went to the above-mentioned monastery around 1112, with three others, among whom was the then 8-year-old St Hildegardis, the daughter of the knight Hildebert von Beckelnheim, and her niece Hiltrudis, the daughter of her brother Meginhard. St Hildegardis later moved to St Rupertsberg near Bingen (Pinguia, Bingium) on the Rhine, while the third is nowhere mentioned.
How old Blessed Jutta was when she entered the monastery is not stated, but it is stated that she was older than her younger companions.
St Hildegardis was not her cousin, as some stated, but only friends with her, and was taught diligently by her with humility. She taught her especially to read and write, to chant, and the the Davidic Psalms.
Of Blessed Jutta St Hildegardis says that God, through His grace, did pour a stream of water into her, so to speak, so that Blessed Jutta did not allow her body to rest but incessantly spent herself in watching, fasting and other good works until she passed. Some sources state that the abbess practised severe mortifications, including the use of iron chains which she wore under her habit.
Blessed Jutta died on December 22, 1136 after she had led her monastery wisely for 24 years as a model of devotion and piety.
(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints)
*A hagiography source used by the authors
Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations
Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of Blessed Jutta may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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