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Saints celebrated on the 26th of November


A devout nun of the Order the Poor Clares in the St Ursula convent at Milan (Hub. Men.), Julia is remembered particularly for her apparitions of St Catherine of Bologna, who had died on March 9, 1463. The saint visited this holy sister and communicated to her heavenly revelations, which Julia then wrote down in a book. 

The Bollandists* provide more details about Julia in the Life of St Catherine of Bologna. They relate that our Julia lived at the Milan convent around the year 1500. She had always been a model of virtue, especially after learning about the life of St Catherine of Bologna. Julia had heard it read at table [during mealtimes, monasteries usually have someone read aloud from edifying books in order to provide food for the soul as well as for the body] and then read it a few times for herself. She developed an even stronger desire for moral and monastic perfection and often pleaded to St Catherine of Bologna for intercession and protection. 

She had been begging for a whole year when she was praying in the same way on the feast of St John the Baptist and suddenly perceived the saint near her. Terrified, she crossed herself and asked who she was. Julia then received teachings from St Catherine during the conversation that followed.

After the apparition had disappeared, the memory of the exchange did not leave Julia. She often pondered what had been said. 

Some time later, when she had gone to sing Vespers with the other nuns in the choir and had bowed her head in adoration to God hidden in the Eucharist, it seemed to Julia as if a flaming arrow came out of the tabernacle and pierced her heart. From then on the love of God was more active in her than ever. 

Saint Catherine of Bologna appeared to her on the feasts of Christ, Mary, and the saints, and whenever she had taken the Eucharistic refreshment. Wadding* reports that the apparitions of St Catherine of Bologna lasted for 30 years, so the Virgin Julia must have lived until about 1540. 

In Art Mart. and Gyn.*  Julia is listed with the title "blessed" on June 22.

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 3, Augsburg, 1869)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of the blessed Julia may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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