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In the martyrologies, this Odran (Odranus) is called the charioteer (auriga) of St Patrick (Patritius) of Ireland. Some seem to think that Odran was even a bishop, or a priest. At any rate, he belonged to the disciples of that great Irish apostle, and shared his fame; he may well have come with him from Scotland. 

The place of his death was called Disert-Odhrain in Hisaigia. As legend has it, he was killed by a nobleman named Failge (according to Kelly* in the year 451) when he was in the chariot with St Patrick. The murderer mistook the driver for St Patrick himself. 

Beforehand, the great saint had broken an idol by force, thereby incurring the murderer's enmity, who swore to kill St Patrick for this deed. The driver was  aware of what Failge planned to do. When, therefore, they were about to pass Failge's castle, Odran requested of his master: "I've been your charioteer for a long time, now be mine!" 

In this way the deadly lance pierced the servant. St Patrick saw Odran's soul ascending to heaven, where it was admitted to the ranks of the white-robed martyrs. The murderer, whose body and soul the devil immediately took possession of (c.f. Mart. II. 555), was suddenly and unexpectedly struck down by death on the very same day that he had killed the saintly charioteer. (III. 131 and 132.)

St Odran is also commemorated on February 19  and March 8.

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 5, Augsburg, 1882)

*A hagiography source used by the authors 

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Blessed Saint Odran, faithful and loyal to God and man! you whose name is almost forgotten by those who owe you an everlasting debt of gratitude, accept our poor thanksgiving, offered in the name of all Ireland, for your noble sacrifice of your life to save that of Ireland’s Apostle.

You had toiled in his service long and devotedly; you had learned what priceless service he could render to God and the Irish land and, when the moment came when he or you should die, by pagan hands, quickly and resolutely you laid down your life, that your master might live and labour for the Divine Master of all.

By your crown of martyrdom, so gloriously won, by your centuries of endless peace and joy, we beseech you to look down on the toiling sons of Ireland and those who try to guide them to their eternal rest. Look down on us all, O blessed Saint! for the love of him whose heart burned with love for Ireland, and pray that the blessing of the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - may descend on us and remain with us for ever. Amen.

(From: St Anthony’s Treasury, 1916 - )


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