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Saints celebrated on the 19th of June


Born around A.D. 1300 of respected and wealthy parents in Pesaro, Blessed Michelina Metelli (Michaela) received an upbringing that was befitting of her status, but by no means Christian. It promised her an honourable place in this world, but not in the kingdom of Christ. Already in her twelfth year she married a lord of Malatesta, and in this state she lived in material comfort, but definitely not in a godly or virtuous manner. 

Around 1335, when Michelina had become a widow, she gave shelter to a pious woman wearing the habit of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi by putting her up at her house. This act of charity was the beginning of Michelina's conversion. 

She began to think seriously about eternity and, after her only son died, renounced all her possessions.
From then onwards, she wanted to serve the Lord only and have nothing but Him to call her own in complete poverty and seclusion. Therefore she entered the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi. 

Her sudden, but profound and sincere piety soon seemed insane to her parents and relatives. Michelina began to walk barefoot wherever she went and whatever the weather; she begged, lived only on alms, fasted, prayed, and kept watch, so to speak, incessantly, which is why they resolved to seize her and locked her in a tower with chains on her. Incarcerated, she remained steadfast in faith, and patiently and silently endured being called a "madwoman" and a "nutcase" by  them. Eventually one of them took pity on her and set her free. 

Now she devoted all her fortune to works of Christian mercy and even made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her penitent life brought many sinners to their senses and an improvement in their lives. Like the lowliest maid she ministered to the sick, and she kissed the wounds of the lepers. A few times the Lord rewarded this selfless charity of hers with miraculous cures.

Michelina became 56 years old. On the feast of the Holy Trinity 1356 she surrendered her penitent and pious soul into the hands of her Creator. In 1580, her home in Pesaro was converted into a church. An eternal lamp burned near her grave. Her body rests in the Church of Saint Francis at Pesaro. Pope Clement XII confirmed her veneration in 1737. (III. 925)

(Information from Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints, Volume 4, Augsburg, 1875, pp. 455-56)

Stadler's Complete Encyclopedia of Saints - Sources and Abbreviations


Grant, we beseech you, almighty God, that the venerable feast of the blessed Michelina may increase our devotion and promote our salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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